Other associations

Who’s doing what among the many local residents’ associations?

In the interests of transparency and objectivity, we also mention a number of associations, movements and initiatives whose views we do not necessarily share (alphabetical and non-exhaustive list).

  • Actie Noordrand (http://www.actie-noordrand.be/)
  • AWACSS ASBL (http://www.awacss.be/)

Awacss has its origins in Wezembeek-Oppem. This association fights against aircraft noise, whether we’re talking about take-offs 25, 19 or landings 01.

  • Bruxelles Air Libre (http://www.bruairlibre.be/)

The independent non-profit association “ASBL Bruxelles Air Libre Brussel VZW” is made up of citizens determined to defend the rights and quality of life of the inhabitants of the 19 communes of the Brussels-Capital Region against the risks and nuisances caused by air traffic.

  • EPURES ASBL (http://www.epures.be/)

Created in 2004, this citizens’ group and its committee initially focused on the air pollution caused by Brussels-National, but has since opened up to other environmental issues, whether or not related to the province’s territory.


(F)airways is an ASBL created at the end of 2014 that also wants to fight against aircraft nuisance.

  • KONKEL (http://www.piste01casuffit.be/konkel.html)

The KONKEL committee is part of a solidarity-based approach that aims to bring together all residents of RBC and its eastern outskirts to find structural solutions to the flyover issue.

  • No Question (http://www.pasquestion.be/fr)

Citizen’s movement born in February 2014 in reaction to the unfairly named “Wathelet plan” (in fact the execution of decisions taken by the Council of Ministers in 2008 and 2010: Mr. Wathelet was the scapegoat, but the corresponding agreements had previously been signed by numerous political leaders)

  • Piste 01 ça suffit ASBL (http://www.piste01casuffit.be/piste01.html)

This movement originated at Waterloo, at the start of the approach phase for Runway 01, which is where the aircraft gathered. The ASBL also plays a coordinating role between some of the other associations mentioned under this heading.

  • SolidAir Tervuren (http://www.solidairtervuren.be/)

This movement, which was born in June 2015, is intended to combat the abusive overflights resulting from left turns from runways 19 and 25 over the Tervuren area, in the image of other communes of the Oostrand

  • Wake Up Kraainem ASBL (http://www.wakeupkraainem.be/)

As its name suggests, Wake Up Kraainem originated on the outskirts of Kraainem. For many years, this association has also been fighting against untimely aircraft overflights. The site includes interesting information about tailwinds on runway 25 – which should be the only factor in the decision to use other runways – and the continuous recording of data from the sound level meter installed jointly by Kraainem and Wezembeek to measure the noise level of aircraft flying over these municipalities.

  • WerkGroepLeuven

WerkGroepLeuven (WGL) is independent of political parties, but wants to work with politicians and authorities to find sustainable solutions. Initially set up to address the Zaventem issue, the working group aims to provide answers to social, socio-economic and financial questions. It is at the disposal of interest groups such as trade unions and local residents’ committees, but is keen to do so independently, with the aim of finding solutions that are acceptable to as many people as possible.

Update: 2016-01-14 23:27