UBCNA goals

The UBCNA endeavours to advise and assist all local residents and local or regional authorities confronted with aircraft overflights. In addition to the precise identification of all cases, the UBCNA actively participates in the study and research of all measures tending to limit aircraft nuisance as much as possible, particularly noise pollution.

The purpose of the association is to protect the population against the harmful effects of noise, air pollution and all other damage and nuisances associated with air traffic and airport activities on Belgian soil, affecting the environment, public health, physical and moral integrity or heritage.

UBCNA was the very first association of local residents and municipalities to be specifically created to resolve the issue of noise pollution generated by the activities of Brussels-National airport, and has played a key role as a precursor in the development of an “environmental” rationale for better airport operation.

The UBCNA is therefore a lobbying association designed to provide aeronautical and environmental information to all levels of power, from the Minister to the Parliamentarian, via the Bourgmestre, the Echevin and above all the citizen. We want to raise awareness of the real nuisance caused by air traffic, and present objective solutions for a better environment around Brussels Airport.

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